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An Artist's home in Bavaria

An Artist's home in Bavaria

While in Buenos Aires a couple of weeks ago I bought a the November edition of Architectural Digest Spain where they showcase a home of an anonymous artist (yes, some people do so well don't need the publicity) who inherited a home in Bavaria.  The house was built in the 60's and he smartly decided to furnish it with nothing less than gorgeous pieces of furniture from the same period.  Most of the furniture is by Philippe Hiquily.  The result is a perfect setting of a very spare and sophisticated home with an good amount of gold throughout that assures me this owner's work should be amazing.  I took photos with my iPhone to share the beauty of this home with you.  Enjoy!
The white sideboard is by Raymond Loewy
The sofa is upholstered in a Manuel Canovas velvet.  The two beautiful gold chairs and side gold table are by Philippe Hiquily.  The painting is by Neruth.
Original photos by Belen Imaz

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